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Reciprocating Air Compressors in San Jose, CA

Reciprocating air compressors are used by businesses in a wide range of industries to deliver compressed air at different pressures for various applications. Having a powerful and reliable reciprocating air compressor at your business is essential in helping to ensure no or minimal downtime. Our air compressor experts at D & D Compressor, Inc. offer an extensive selection of brand-name reciprocating air compressors for sale and rental in San Jose, CA, and the Bay Area. With over 30 years in the air compressor distribution business, we are dedicated to bringing our clients the industry’s best in air compressor machinery.

Reciprocating Air Compressors in San Jose

What Is a Reciprocating Air Compressor?

A reciprocating air compressor, also commonly called a piston compressor, is a positive-displacement compressor that uses a crankshaft and pistons to deliver compressed air at various pressures. In a reciprocating air compressor, pistons are responsible for this activity and are driven by a crankshaft, which is, in turn, powered by electric motors or internal combustion engines.

Basic Operation Principles of a Reciprocating Air Compressor

High pressure reciprocating air compressors operate by the principle of reciprocation. This means something is moved back and forth to maintain balance and achieve even displacement. A reciprocating air compressor operates with pistons, a rotor, and a compression chamber or cylinder. The rotor spins to move the piston up and down. As the piston moves up, it draws air into the cylinder. When it moves back down, the air is compressed, and pressure in the cylinder increases. When the air is forced out at a higher pressure, it is used by a pneumatic machine, or it is stored in a compressed air tank.

Types of Reciprocating Air Compressors

There are three main types of reciprocating air compressors. The type that you need depends on your industry and the air copmpressor’s application:

  • Single-Acting Reciprocating Compressors—A single-acting reciprocating compressor is less expensive than other types and is the most commonly used type of reciprocating air compressor across applications. It has an inset or suction valve and a discharge valve. Both valves are one-way and spring-loaded. They are used for intermittent duty cycles.
  • Double-Acting Reciprocating Compressors—Double-action reciprocating air compressors are larger, noisier, and have higher vibration levels. They have an inlet and a discharge valve on both sides of the cylinder, so they operate with two compression cycles. They are efficient but aren’t used as often due to their size and noise levels.
  • Diaphragm Reciprocating Compressors – Diaphragm reciprocating compressors are the least commonly used type of reciprocating air compressor. They don’t have a cylinder; instead, a piston moves a diaphragm, which contracts and expands. They are usually used to compress water.

Benefits of Reciprocating Air Compressors

Using reciprocating air compressors offers many benefits for a wide range of industries. They are easy and cost-effective to set up and operate efficiently, even at a partial load. You can save energy and reduce costs in no-load conditions. They also require fewer moving parts compared to other types of compressors, which means that your maintenance and upkeep costs are lower.

Reciprocating Air Compressor Uses

Industrial reciprocating air compressors are used for a variety of purposes and applications. The most common reciprocating air compressor uses are:

  • Oil and gas industries
  • Pipelines
  • Auto body shops
  • Carwashes
  • Woodworking facilities
  • Construction sites
  • Industrial facilities
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Warehouses
  • Amusement parks

Choosing the Right Reciprocating Compressor

D & D Compressor, Inc., we carry a wide range of brand-name air compressors and reciprocating air compressor parts from some of the industry’s leading manufacturers. With over 30 years of experience in the air compressor business, we know what constitutes quality machinery and are committed to bringing our customers exactly that. Our name-brand reciprocating air compressors and vacuum pumps are backed by a manufacturer’s warranty and may be rented or purchased outright in San Jose or the Bay Area. Some of the manufacturers we carry include:

  • Champion
  • Chicago Pneumatic
  • FS Curtis
  • Saylor- Beall
  • Powerex

Contact D & D Compressor Inc. in San Jose, CA.

To learn more about our inventory of reciprocating air compressors in the San Jose, CA, area, call us today or contact us online. We can help you determine which type of reciprocating air compressor is right for your industry and application. We also offer air compressor repair and maintenance services and replacement reciprocating air compressor parts.

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